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Pull Testing by Abtrex Industries

FRP Tanks, Scrubbers and Pipes Inspection: The Function of Pull Testing

By Quality Control

Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) tanks, scrubbers and pipes are highly valued for their corrosion resistance, durability, and lightweight yet strong construction. These units serve a wide range of applications, particularly in chemical, paper and power plants. They are also ideal for use as storage tanks in the chemical industry.

While FRP equipment is known for its longevity, regular inspections are essential to ensure ongoing durability and safety. Abtrex’s FRP quality control specialists conduct several thorough inspection procedures, including the pull test, which evaluates the equipment’s substrate saturation and its resistance to the chemicals it contains.

Fiberglass FabricationWhat is an FRP Equipment Pull Test?

When inspecting FRP tanks, scrubbers and pipes, a variety of quality control procedures are used to thoroughly assess the equipment’s condition. One of the most effective and reliable methods is the FRP pull test. In this procedure, a small FRP patch is applied to previously prepared surface of the unit, then pulled off under controlled conditions.

The test’s primary purpose is to assess the extent of chemical saturation within the equipment’s fiberglass substrate. This ensures the structure remains safe, functional, and corrosion resistant, extending its service life in demanding environments.

Why is the Pull Test Important for FRP Equipment?

A pull test is one of the most essential procedures for assessing the condition of an FRP equipment. While the unit’s structure may appear intact, its corrosion barrier could be compromised by saturation with the chemical solution it holds. Thorough inspections, and relining when necessary, can extend the lifespan by up to 10 years.

Regular monitoring of the condition of FRP tanks and other equipment is key to safe and reliable operation. Inspections help ensure that the fiberglass layer endures corrosive environments without delaminating. Pull tests are especially vital for equipment storing highly corrosive materials or subjected to high pressures, as these factors can accelerate wear on the inner lining.

FRP Tank

The FRP Equipment Pull Test Procedure

The procedure involves preparing a small interior section of the fiberglass substrate by grinding down the outer surface. Next, an FRP test patch, made from the same material as the substrate, is applied to the bottom area, leaving a small exposed gap on  one side of the patch. The patch itself is composed of the following layers:

  • Two layers of Chopped Strand Mat (CSM): CSM serves as part of the corrosion barrier. Thanks to its random fiber orientation, CSM can be easily molded into various shapes, making it useful for building up thickness and performing repair work. It is typically mixed with resin in a 40% to 60% mat-to-resin ratio.
  • Two layers of Veil: Veil also functions as a corrosion barrier, protecting the underlying layers by resisting chemical attacks. It creates a smooth, consistent surface finish on the fiberglass substrate. The veil is mixed with resin in a 90% to 10% veil-to-resin ratio. The final layer is carefully rolled to eliminate any air bubbles.

After application, the patch must cure for approximately 8 hours. Once cured, the patch is lifted using a pry tool to complete the pull test.

The Interpretation of a Pull Test Results

When interpreting pull test results, Quality Control inspectors focus on the bond between the patch and the substrate, as well as the process of patch separation. The force required to remove the patch is a key factor in evaluating the unit’s condition. If the patch detaches easily, it may indicate a weak bond between the patch and the FRP equipment substrate.

Similarly, a clean separation of the patch suggests a poor bond. In contrast, if the patch tears during separation or if part of the old FRP layer on the substrate is pulled away, this indicates a strong bond.

In cases where a weak bond is detected, the test may need to be repeated to accurately assess the depth of chemical saturation. If the pull test confirms a weak bond and deep chemical saturation, relining the entire tank may be recommended.

To ensure accurate results, the test must be conducted and documented according to industry standards and by experienced FRP Quality Control inspectors. Adhering to safety guidelines throughout the procedure is also essential to protect both the equipment and personnel.

Fiberglass TankThe Role of Pull Tests in FRP Equipment Maintenance

The pull test is a vital procedure for maintaining the integrity and safety of FRP tanks and other FRP equipment. Regular inspections, including pull tests, play a crucial role in extending the life of the unit and preventing potential hazards associated with chemical saturation and weakened bonds. By thoroughly evaluating the condition of the fiberglass substrate, these tests help ensure that equipment continues to perform effectively in demanding environments.

Abtrex’s team of FRP specialists is equipped to conduct comprehensive inspections of FRP equipment and provide necessary linings, ensuring optimal performance and reliability for all your storage and chemical handling needs.

For questions or to request a quote, call us at 800-959-0125 or fill out our online form and someone will contact you.

Rubber Hardness Test

By Quality Control

The importance of testing rubber hardness

Did you know that rubber linings can have different degrees of hardness? Why is this, and why does it matter for the protection of your equipment?

The hardness of rubber linings affects its performance in various applications. For example, in industrial conditions where rubber materials are used to provide abrasion or chemical resistance, the hardness can influence how well the lining withstands wear and tear over time. If the material hardness is not selected properly, it can wear out faster, leading to contact with corrosive or abrasive substances on the metal substrate. To ensure that rubber achieves the desired hardness, it must undergo a vulcanization process after application. Vulcanization aims to improve the chemical properties of the lining by introducing cross-links between individual polymer chains. This process transforms soft rubber, into a durable material with increased elasticity, resilience, and resistance to chemicals and temperature.

Hardness testing helps evaluate the durability of rubber linings and determine whether it will perform as expected under specific conditions, and to ensure that the vulcanization process was successful.

The required hardness of rubber lining depends on its purpose and the project specifications. Softer linings can be used in processes where flexibility and cushioning are important, such as in vibration dampening and impact absorption. The hardness of the rubber can also impact its chemical resistance. Specific compounds are formulated to provide optimal hardness for resistance to particular chemicals. Examining hardness with a durometer involves quantifying the depth of the penetration caused by the indenter. The lesser the indentation depth, the greater the material’s hardness.

Shore durometer testing

At Abtrex, we conduct rubber hardness tests using Shore durometers. The name “Shore durometer” comes from Albert F. Shore, the inventor of the device and the scales used to measure hardness values. The ASTM D2240 standard recognizes 12 Shore hardness scales: A, B, C, D, DO, E, M, O, OO, OOO, OOO-S and R.

At Abtrex, to measure the hardness of rubber linings, we use the Shore A and Shore D scales. The Shore A scale is used for measuring softer materials such as chlorobutyl, neoprene, or Hypalon. The values of these measurements typically range from 30 to 80 Shore A. For tests in this scale, the durometer has a blunt, conical indenter suitable for softer linings, preventing deep penetration that could damage or alter the test sample.

Shore A durometer test on a chlorobutyl rubber lining

Shore A durometer test on a chlorobutyl rubber lining.

The Shore D scale is used for measuring harder linings such as ebonites, graphite-loaded, or harder neoprene rubbers. The measurement range for this scale typically spans from 50 to 85 Shore D. This durometer has a sharper, more pointed indenter that can penetrate harder materials to measure their hardness accurately.

Test Method

A durometer measures hardness by testing the material’s resistance to indentation.  The tester is placed perpendicular to the material’s surface, and then the indenter is pressed into the material, applying pressure through a spring-loaded probe. This device then measures the depth of the indentation, which correlates with the material’s hardness. The reading should be taken from the dial or digital display after approximately one second and then compared to the specification value for the specific rubber or project. This process should be repeated multiple times to ensure the lining has been tested across its whole surface area.

Testing hardness of rubber lining with a Shore A durometer

Testing hardness of rubber lining with a Shore A durometer.

Overall, hardness testing of rubber linings is a crucial part of quality assurance and ensures that the linings will perform reliably in their intended applications, contributing to safety, durability, and efficiency. If your equipment requires protection from corrosion or abrasion, contact the Abtrex team for a custom solution. Abtrex’s professionals will help you select and install the appropriate compound for your specific needs.

Rubber Hardness Testing Video

Holiday Detection

Holiday Detection

By Quality Control

Corrosion protection is vital for preserving the integrity of metal structures by preventing the gradual deterioration caused by environmental factors and corrosive chemicals. Effective corrosion resistance measures not only extend the lifespan of materials but also contribute to maintaining structural stability and safety. Equally crucial is wear resistance, ensuring durability against friction and abrasion, minimizing the impact of mechanical stress and preserving the functionality of components over time. To fulfill its intended function, the rubber lining or coating must maintain its integrity, guaranteeing that any substance it comes into contact with does not penetrate it and cause corrosion to the underlying substrate.

Have you ever wondered how we inspect the integrity and ensure there are no holes or voids in the rubber lining or paint coating? One method is called holiday detection. It is a technique used to identify defects in the protective coatings and linings applied to metal surfaces. Many of these defects are difficult to visually see, hence the necessity for mechanical means like a holiday detector. Holiday detection testing can be categorized into two groups: low-voltage testing and high-voltage testing.

Both groups involve applying an electrical voltage to the coated or lined surface and using a probe or electrode to detect any electrical current flow or spark indicating the presence of a defect or a holiday in the liner. The choice between low-voltage and high-voltage testing depends on the thickness of the lining or coating and the specific requirements of the inspection.

Holiday Inspection of a Tank Coating Using a Sponge Tester

Holiday Inspection of a Tank Coating Using a Sponge Tester

Low-voltage testing

Low-voltage testing is a holiday detection method employed to inspect protective coatings thinner than 500 microns or 20 mils. This method typically uses a voltage of 9 volts for testing coatings under 12 mils in thickness and a voltage higher than 9V for those with a layer from 12 to 20 mils. Thinner coatings require a lower voltage because they have a lower dielectric breakdown voltage, an electric potential at which an insulating material becomes conductive. If the voltage is too high for a thin coating, it may lead to premature dielectric breakdown, causing the coating to become conductive even in areas without defects, which can result in false readings.

At Abtrex, we use a low-voltage detection testing procedure to inspect the proper coverage of paint and to make sure that there are no pinholes or leaks in the lining. This procedure involves using a detector with a damp cellulose sponge attached to one end of the tester with a metal clamp on the opposite end, used as an electrical ground. Ensuring the sponge lies flat on the surface, the inspection is carried out by moving it at a moderate speed over the coated surface. If there is a defect or a holiday in the paint coating, the moisture in the sponge will facilitate the flow of electrical current to the steel substrate, enabling the detection of the flaw. The detector signals the identification of a defect with a sound alarm. All identified holidays are then repaired by grinding or abrading the area, and applying new layers of the specified coating. Once the repair is completed and the coating dries, the testing procedure is repeated to ensure the area is defect-free.

Holiday Sponge Test Video

High-voltage testing

Holiday Inspection of a Rubber Lined Tank Using a Brush Wand Spark Tester

Holiday Inspection of a Rubber Lined Tank Using a Brush Wand Spark Tester

This quality inspection is conducted with a use of a high-voltage device called spark tester. The purpose of a high-voltage tester is to detect pinholes, leaks or voids in rubber linings and coatings thicker than 500 microns, or 20 mils. This spark testing technique requires use of a higher electric potential device, because the dielectric breakdown voltage increases with the thickness of the lining material. Use of a high-voltage detector will ensure an electrical current will effectively pass through the thicker lining, making it possible to identify any potential flaws.

Our quality technicians use a high-voltage tester to effectively detect and locate any pinholes or leaks in the rubber linings. This inspection procedure requires the use of a probe attached to the detector. Like the low-voltage testing procedure, the test is conducted by moving the probe over the rubber-lined area continuously. If a leak is found, the device will discharge a visible white spark from the probe to the metal surface through the air path, indicating the presence and location of a holiday in the lining. Any detected leak will then be repaired by grinding the defected area and applying a lining patch as necessary. When the rubber repair is completed, the testing process is repeated to confirm that the area is free of pinholes and holidays.

Spark Test Video

Ensuring the integrity of protective coatings and linings of industrial assets through comprehensive holiday testing is paramount for longevity and safety.

At Abtrex, we specialize in corrosion and abrasion resistance. If you are seeking expert solutions for rubber linings or coatings inspection, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact us to discuss your specific needs and discover how our services can enhance the performance and durability of your industrial infrastructure.